Rabu, 17 Mei 2017

My Unforgetable Moment : "Spending Time and Celebrate my 21th birthday with my family"

Name   : Denna Selya Hasan
Class    : 4EA16
NPM   : 12213178

Hello my name is Denna Selya, I am Student end semester at Gunadarma University. Let me tell you about my Unforgetable Moment.

Since my parents was divorced I meet my mother every one year. My mother lived in Cilacap with her family. My new family are Abi my Stepfather, Irfan and Jinan my sister and brother from my mother. We spent 13 days in Cilacap. I went to Cilacap with my sister her name is Devi. I am feeling exited because I will met with my cute sister Jinan. My new family was friendly and feel like my real family. I met with my aunty, my uncle and then my grandmother. In my birthday 26 April we spent the moment in swimming pool. 

Irfan are very good at swimming although he still was 10 years old. Jinan is very funny rode a balloon duck while she feel sleepy. Im very loved my new family because my real family is not as good as my new family. I felt sad when I left from Cilacap. Even though my parents are not together at least I pleased of seeing my mother happy with her new family. I prayed may they always be healthy and happy. If i grow old later i would love to be living in the Cilacap. This is my unforgettable moment.  I spend moment together with my family and celebrate my birthday with my family.

1 komentar:

  1. ayo nulis blog lagi dong! kakak dulu punya cita cita mau jadi penulis kan, semangat nulis lagi ya kak
